Bad Boys II is a 2003 American action-comedy film directed by Michael Bay, produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith. It is about 2 police officers that have to deal with a very difficult case. They go through a lot of problems to solve the case, one of them was a sister who is a police officer, but she pretended not to be one, anyway they discovered her and she becomes the hostage of a person who is been chased by police after this the two police officers try to save their sister, but first they have to search different clues that would be helpful to them, when they found the clues the 2 police officers started to search were his sister was. Even thou it was difficult to find her they found her; unfortunately their problems were not finished because the person that was chase by the police started to follow them until the police officers killed him. The movie finishes when the 2 police officers and all the family are eating
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