lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Acerca de nosotros

Para realizar la integradora, nuestra profesora de biologia nos propuso hacer un thinglink  con un compañero sobre el aparato reproductor masculino. Realizado por Valentina Muguelar y Juan Kos

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015

Que pasa en tu interior

Para realizar la integradora, nuestra profesora de Biología nos propuso hacer un thinklink con un compañero sobre el aparato reproductor masculino con sus partes y funciones. Acá les dejo el nuestro. Realizado por Valentina Muguelar y Juan Kos

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

Relationship between humans and animals

In the class of E.L.T we saw the movie Life of Pi, and in Language we had to pic a topic of the movie and write something in conection with this.

This relationship between animals and humans is seen all along he story due to the fact his family has a zoo. Pi, main character, has a closer relation with a tiger of the zoo, called “Richard Parker”.
Many people believe that a good relation with animals is a good idea despite on the fact they could protect you, also it could be a good accompany if you are alone. For example older people like to live with animals because they don’t feel completely lone.
On the other hand a lot people feel that it is a good idea to have animals but on the other hand some people think that is not a good idea to live with animals for the reason that it takes time to had animals. Furthermore some time it could be dangerous. For instance it is dangerous to have one, I you have a baby a baby for example.

As a result of this  we can said that is a good idea to have animals nevertheless it could be dangerous. In my opinion even though it could be dangerous sometimes, however it is a pleasure to had animals.

jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

Esta en nuestras manos

En esta imagen podemos observar una imagen sobre un preservativo que esta lleno de imágenes relacionadas con la salud, también podemos observar un texto en el que nos aconsejan hacernos un test aver si tenemos la enfermedad y también que utilicemos un preservativo para prevenirla, ademas esta en nuestras manos promover la precaución sobre este tema

Lleguemos a cero!!!

Es un Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas sobre el VIH/SIDA,  La Secretaría del ONUSIDA tiene su sede en Ginebra y hace  sus deberes   en más de 75 países. Sus objetivos son detener las muertes por VHI sida, detener la expansion de la enfermedad y hacer que las personas dejen de discriminar a las personas que tienen esta enfermedad.

El video se llama de esta manera debido a que son una organización que tratan de acabar con la enfermedad, la discriminación 

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015


For my grandmother coockies:
When she coocks she makes´s
me feel very happy even
though i had a bad day
she make me fat no matter what

silvia is very old
but she coocks like
if we were an army
i love her love her like my mommy

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2015


                                                            Learning languages is awesome

There are many advantages of learning a foreign language, for example, you can communicate with more people than before and meet new people also, with which you can become friends, what is very possitive. Also, you can understand the lyrics from the songs you hear.

Other possitive things of learning a foreign language is that it creates lots of possibilities to study in universities in other countries, such as Cambridge or Harvard. In addition, if you sit for the First Certificate (or other international exam) and pass it, that can give you opportunities of working abroad.

Furthermore, learning a foreign language can mak travelling easier. That´s because you can understand that country´s culture and, if you need to find  a place, or order your food, you can do it easier.

To conclude, nwadays it´s very useful to learn another language, because it can simplify things and help you in your everyday life.